


Become a Rainbow Hospice Care volunteer here.

Volunteers for both programs come from all walks of life and range in age from people in their teens to more than 80 years of age, each with their own skills and specialties.

To learn more contact the volunteer office directly at (920) 674-4548.

Volunteerism is an essential part of our work.

Rainbow Community Care was founded in 1990 by a small but dedicated group of volunteers and volunteerism remains at the heart of what we do for the people of rural southern Wisconsin. We have two volunteer programs at Rainbow. You can sign up for either one or both.

Whether you help out often or only once in a while, every effort is appreciated! No matter the volunteer interest or level of involvement, all volunteers receive a thorough orientation and training before they are given any assignment. No one is ever expected to take on something they don’t want to do. 

Volunteer for Rainbow Friends in Action.

The Rainbow Friends in Action volunteer program provides “neighborly assistance” to people who are elderly, disabled or seriously ill and could benefit from receiving just a little extra non-medical help in their homes in order to remain living independently. Click here to learn more. 

Volunteer for Rainbow Hospice Care.

The Rainbow Hospice Care volunteer program supports terminally ill patients (i.e., people having six months or less to live) and their families. 

Some of the ways our hospice volunteers help include:

  • Reading to a patient or holding a hand
  • Relieving family members
  • Shopping or doing errands for a patient
  • Listening
  • Helping patients write or tell their life stories
  • Cooking, light household chores
  • Providing help with makeup and hair
  • Playing cards, working on crafts, etc.
  • Knitting comfort shawls or sewing quilts
  • Assisting Rainbow office staff
  • Phone follow up
  • Tuck-in program calls
  • Sitting vigil
  • Helping with landscaping or in the garden

Additional volunteer opportunities available at the Inpatient Center include staffing the reception desk, helping in the kitchen, giving tours, making flower arrangements, tending the gardens, and assisting with administrative activities like data entry, answering or making phone calls, filing, preparing mailings, etc. And there’s always a need for extra help with making presentations and other education and outreach activities, fundraising campaigns, and special events.

Take a 360 degree
volunteer center   tour

A group of volunteers founded Rainbow Community Care in 1990, and volunteer involvement continues to be an extremely important part of the work we do.

Virtual Tour Icon virtual-tour-image-0001.jpg

Vet-to-Vet Volunteer Program

We honor veterans! Rainbow's popular Vet-to-Vet Volunteer Program pairs hospice patients who are veterans with volunteers who also served in the United States Armed Forces. Because of their shared bond and common experiences, our veteran volunteers often connect with patients and families in ways others can only imagine.

Rainbow Hospice Care is a proud hospice partner of We Honor Veterans, a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs. We are currently a level 3 We Honor Veterans partner, working towards increasing access and improving quality of care for veterans in our community. 

Funding of our Veterans program helps provide military branch specific blankets for our pinnings, educational opportunities for staff, volunteers, and the community. Rainbow Hospice Care provides veteran pinnings to patients that wish to have them. Staff and volunteers gather along with family members to thank our patients for their service. This allows patients an opportunity to discuss their military service in a forum that they may have never had before. Both patients and families have expressed how meaningful these ceremonies have been for them.

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Current Openings

To view all our open positions, please visit https://rainbowcommunitycare.org/Employment.