Berres Brothers Teams Up With Rainbow Hospice Care to Offer Special 30th Anniversary Blend

Rainbow Community Care Team
June 8, 2020 / 5 mins read
Berres Brothers Teams Up With Rainbow Hospice Care to Offer Special 30th Anniversary Blend

Rainbow Hospice Care has partnered with Berres Brothers Coffee Roasters in Watertown to create a special 30th anniversary blend.

It is the first time Berres Brothers has partnered this extensively with a non-profit for private labeling a coffee and the first time they’re adding a private label to their website for customers to purchase.

“We like to offer seasonal coffees that have a story behind them,” said Pete Berres, Owner and President of Berres Brothers Coffee Roasters. “We feel that the Rainbow mission is very special and deserves recognition.”

As part of Rainbow’s 30th anniversary in 2020, earlier this year they unveiled a 30 for 30 campaign, encouraging everyone in the community to volunteer 30 minutes, 30 hours, or 30 days of their time to the individual or organization of their choice.

The coffee bag design will reflect the importance of volunteering and the featured flavor will be a regular house blend.

“Berres Brothers has been looking to roll out a fundraising option for non-profits,” Berres said. “We discussed taking this private label to the next level by offering the Rainbow Hospice blend to our customers and giving back a percentage to Rainbow Hospice as a donation.”

Pete Berres thought this would be a great way to honor his former friend.

“In 2013 I had a good friend that spent the last days of his life at Rainbow Hospice,” Berres said. “I was so impressed with Rainbow Hospice at the time that I felt that it would be something that I would donate time to, but I haven’t been able to do that. I thought this project would be a bigger benefit than me offering my time.”

The bag went into production the middle of May and is now available for purchase from Berres Brothers (both in-store and online).

30 percent of all purchases made of the Rainbow Blend will benefit Rainbow Hospice Care.

We would like to thank Berres Brothers for their kindness and generosity and for supporting our overall mission of providing comfort, care, and meaning at end-of-life.

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