Virtual Quilt Dedication Released
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“We would have much preferred gathering in person so that everyone could see the quilt with their own eyes, touch the quilt, and take pictures of the quilt with family members,” said Bereavement Counselor Laura Wessels. “But we worked hard to make the virtual ceremony personal by celebrating the people represented on each square and sharing the story behind the quilt square. There are close-ups of each quilt square during the dedication ceremony as well as a slide show following the ceremony.”
The 2019 Memorial Quilt was stitched and drawn, sewn and hooked, with the intention of remembering people who lived, people who were loved and continue to be loved. One of the squares pays tribute to “A beautiful mind lost to Alzheimer’s.” Those words capture the intent of the memorial quilt. We gather to remember not someone who died due to a disease, such as Alzheimer’s or cancer or COPD or heart failure.
Instead, we gather to remember beautiful people with beautiful minds, who loved their families, who loved and were passionate about a variety of pursuits, teams, activities, and places. This year’s quilt represents 41 stories, “countless memories, now patched together” in a quilt that speaks, telling a beautiful story of beautiful people.
The 2019 memorial quilt is hanging in the hallway of the lower level of the Rainbow Hospice Care Inpatient Center in Johnson Creek where families may view the quilt once the pandemic is over.